
We seek out the gaps in mainstream reporting to look where no one else is looking. We uncover the hidden actors shaping our politics, society and environment—stories that affect everyone.

Burning Skies

27 September 2024

Burning Skies

The true toll of Big Oil's gas flaring in Africa and the Middle East

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BP venture sells carbon offsets by ‘saving’ trees that aren’t in danger

11 July 2024

BP venture sells carbon offsets by ‘saving’ trees that aren’t in danger

Finite Carbon runs the largest forest offsetting projects in the US. Analysis suggests they aren’t doing what they claim

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‘Plug and abandon’

28 June 2024

‘Plug and abandon’

Is the oil company that polluted Poole Harbour now risking disaster in the North Sea?

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‘Saviour of carbon markets’ faces questions over African land rights

29 May 2024

‘Saviour of carbon markets’ faces questions over African land rights

Carbon Done Right says it has secured 57,000 hectares for offsetting—but no leases have been registered

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As climate change wrecks homes, human traffickers profit

29 January 2024

As climate change wrecks homes, human traffickers profit

Sierra Leone’s poorest communities have long been prey to human traffickers. Climate change is making things worse.

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Trojan Horsepower

7 December 2023

Trojan Horsepower

Formula 1 and the Saudi oil lobby: a tie-up between petrolheads and petrodollars is more than just an exercise in ‘soft power’

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‘Get Out of Jail Free’

13 November 2023

‘Get Out of Jail Free’

How plastics offsetting is giving industry a licence to pollute

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‘Blueprint for disaster’

9 October 2023

‘Blueprint for disaster’

An ambitious plan to re-engineer the carbon market could play havoc with net zero goals and raises questions about human rights

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Revolt of the South Pole penguins

13 July 2023

Revolt of the South Pole penguins

Carbon offsetting’s ‘unicorn’ wants to be an ultra-ethical social enterprise. Behind the scenes its deals with oil giants and authoritarian rulers are stirring dissent

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‘This is plunder’: Illegal quarries threaten one of Africa’s fastest vanishing forests

31 May 2023

‘This is plunder’: Illegal quarries threaten one of Africa’s fastest vanishing forests

Sierra Leone is on the climate change frontline. Its defences are on sale to the highest bidder

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Eni chased ‘profits at any cost’ to fuel Pakistan energy crisis

28 April 2023

Eni chased ‘profits at any cost’ to fuel Pakistan energy crisis

Eni cited supply issues to divert gas shipments from Pakistan—and made half a billion dollars selling the fuel elsewhere, leaving the crisis-hit country burning coal instead

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